Create test account

In order to test credit card payments with, you can need to create a testing account.

All you have to do is sign up for a test account:

You have to complete a sign up form:

authorize test account card payment

1. Insert here your first name

2. Insert here your last name

3. Select your country from the drop-down menu

4. Insert your email address here

5. Select your developer type from the drop-down menu

6. Select your job type from the drop-down menu

7. Insert here your login username

8. Type your account password here

9. Re-type your account password here

10. Here you can see the verification code

11. Type here the verification code you see above

12. Check the radio button for the Card not present account type

13. Check this box to agree with the terms and conditions

14. Click here to sign up for a testing account


After you submit your form, you will be provided your test API Credentials:

authorize test account card payment

1. Here you can see the testing API login key

2. Here you can see the transaction key


Insert the testing API credentials in Configure merchant page:

authorize test account card payment

1. Insert here the testing API login key

2. Insert here the transaction key

3. Check this radio button to select the testing environment


Once your testing account is configured you can start testing credit card payments.

To access your test account using the Merchant Interface, go to and log in using the Login ID and Password you created when requesting your test account.