Channel flags

You can see if a channel has received inappropriate flags from Channel listing page:

channel inappropriate flags

You can also see the Inappropriate flags reported for a channel from Edit Channel page.


Once the Channel flags page opens you can see the user who flagged the channels and the reason for his action:


1. Click here to go back to Channels listing page.

2. Click here to go back to Channel details page.

3. Check this box if you plan to delete this flag.

4. Here you can see the username of the user that added the flag; by clicking on the username you will edit the profile of that user.

5. Here you can see the reason why the user flagged this channel.

6. Here you can see the date when the flag was added.

7. Here you can see the pagination index, the number of records found and you can select how many items you want to see displayed on the page.

8. Select from the drop-down menu to delete the marked flags.