About Templates Manager

Important: Before performing any work on templates, please read the following page: How to add a new template and customize it

All customizations made to the templates on testarea are considered exploratory and will need to be manually applied to the live site when installed as well. Once the templates functionality is verified that is working properly on testarea site, they can be copied on the live site (manually copy/paste them).

From the Templates Manager area you can edit the look of your site.

Note: From Template Manager control the admin can edit only the Templates. Images can be changed through Platform Customization

You can access the Templates Manager area by clicking on Templates Manager link from the left menu of your admin area, like in this picture:

add new template

A web site template is just an HTML file that contains the common elements that appears on every page. That can include the navigation links, artwork, a search field, legal text… literally anything!

When we want to edit what is displayed in a page we have in fact 3 tools do achieve our goal:

  1. Change texts (using admin menu -> CMS -> Dictionary editor)
  2. Edit html of that page (using admin menu >CMS ->Template editor)
  3. Edit css (using admin menu >CMS ->Template editor)

Note:  Changing of wording in dictionary might need editing templates. 

In this chapter you can read more details about:


Click on the name of the page to view the content.

Important note: editing via FTP is possible but not recommended as it breaks system automatic updates. Any unexpected results that may occur due to FTP changes from your part will require billable exploratory hours for investigations and fixes.