Edit email notifications templates

Note: starting with version 4.0 of Streaming platform, SMTP authentication is used for email notifications (e.g register, reset password, edit profile, etc.)

Logged in your administrator account, click on User email notifications link, under Settings chapter:

chatting rooms user email notifications


In this page you can view and edit the notification emails that are automatically sent to users. This is how the notification templates list:

user email notifications

1. Click here to go to Email templates links page

2. Click on the template title to edit the template details


Below we will list the email templates from the system and explain the situations in which each notification is sent:

1. Delete images

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his images will be deleted by the administrator of the platform

2. Delete blog

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his blog articles will be deleted by the administrator of the platform

3. Account disabled

This notification will be sent to the user when his account will be disabled by the administrator of the platform

4. Account enabled

This notification will be sent to the user when his account will be disabled by the administrator of the platform

5. Channel enabled

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his channels will be enabled by the administrator of the platform

6. Channel disabled

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his channels will be disabled by the administrator of the platform

7. IP Unban

This notification will be sent to the user when his IP has been unbanned by the administrator of the website

8. Set a channel as featured

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his channels will be set as featured by the administrator of the platform

9. Set channel as NOT featured

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his channels will be unset as featured by the administrator of the platform

10. Channel flagged

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his channels will be set as flagged by a viewer of the platform

11. Video enabled

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his videos will be enabled by the administrator of the platform

12. Video disabled

This notification will be sent to the user when one of his videos will be disabled by the administrator of the platform

13. Channel scheduled (follower)

This notification will be sent to the channel followers when the broadcaster will make a schedule on the channel

14. Video ended recording (follower)

This notification will be sent to the channel followers when the broadcaster will complete the record of a video from the channel

15. Channel start broadcast (follower)

This notification will be sent to the channel followers when the broadcaster will start the broadcast on the channel

16. Welcome

This notification will be sent to the user when he creates his own account and it must be activated in order to start using the account options (when Admin creates account manually no notification is sent)

17. IP ban

This notification will be sent to the user when the administrator of the platform will ban his IP address

18. Package bandwidth 80% alert

This notification will be sent to the user when his bandwidth usage will reach the 80%

19. Package bandwidth limit reached

This notification will be sent to the user when his bandwidth will reach the limit value

20. Channel or event password

This notification will be received by a user when a broadcaster sets a password for a channel or an event and send that password to this user

21. Password Assistance

This notification will be sent to the user when he wants to reset his password

22. Video flagged

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a user will flag one of his videos

23. New Message

This notification will be sent to the user when he will receive a message from another user

24. New friend request

This notification will be sent to the user when he will receive a new friend request

25. Change email

This notification will be sent to the user when he will change his email address

26. Video email password

This notification will be received by a user when a broadcaster sets a password for a video and send that password to this user

27. Message from Broadcaster to his followers

This notification will be sent to the followers when the broadcaster will set a message to all followers

28. Reactivate Account

This notification will be sent to the user when he will have to reactivate his account

29. Broadcaster Confirmation

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a user wants to register as broadcaster

30. Broadcaster Confirmed

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when the administrator approves his broadcaster request

31. Declined Broadcaster

This notification will be sent to the user when the administrator denies his broadcaster request

32. New Order Pending

This notification will be sent to the user when he buys a new subscription using PayPal and his order is in pending mode

33. Admin – New Sold Items

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a user purchases a new subscription

34. Recorded Video Covers Multiple PPV Events

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when he records a video that covers multiple PPV events. Because the system does not know which PPV event he wanted to record, the video will have no price set and the status will be “Unpublished”

35. Welcome – Free Trial

This notification will be sent to the user when he activates his account and he has a free trial period to use the advantages of the trial package

36. Free Trial expiration notice

This notification will be sent to the user before expiration of the trial package

37. Free trial expired

This notification will be sent to the user when the advantages of the trial package will no longer apply to his account

38. Inquiry

This notification will be sent to the user when he receives a new inquiry from a contact

39. A new support ticket has been opened by admin

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a new support ticket is opened by an admin of the website

40. WordPress request

This notification will be sent to the admin, when a user requested access to WordPress dashboard

41. Your support ticket has been re-opened

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when one of his support tickets is re-opened

42. Your support ticket has been closed

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when one of his support tickets is closed

43. You have a new support request – from member

This notification will be sent to the admin when he receives a new support request

44. Authorize.net Failed Rebill

This notification will be sent to the admin when a subscription which was supposed to be re-billed failed and notification from Authorize was not received.

45. Your support ticket has been answered

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when one of his support tickets is answered

46. Change PPV price (follower)

This notification is sent to users who are following a channel that has a PPV event created and the broadcaster changed the price

47. You have a reply in a support ticket

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a reply is added tp one of his support tickets

48. WordPress Request Confirmed

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress request is confirmed

49. Sub-Account created

This notification will be sent to the user when a sub-account was created on the platform using his email address

50. WordPress Request Rejected

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress request is rejected

51. WordPress Site Deleted

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is deleted

52. WordPress Request Reset

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress request is reset

53. WordPress Site disabled

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is disabled by the administrator

54. WordPress Site enabled

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is enabled by the administrator

55. WordPress Site Archived

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is archived

56. WordPress Site Unarchived

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is unarchived

57. WordPress Site Spam

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is marked as spam

58. WordPress Site Not Spam

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when his WordPress site is not marked as spam

59. Merchant not set

This notification will be sent to the admin when a user could not buy content on the website because the merchant was not set on the platform

60. Viewer – refund issued

This notification will be sent to the viewer when a refund has been issued by one of the administrators for a PPV ticket he purchased

61. Broadcaster – refund issued

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a refund has been issued by one of the administrators for a PPV ticket for one of his PPV items

62. Broadcaster – refund approved

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a refund request he sent, has been approved

63. Viewer – refund approved

This notification will be sent to the viewer when a refund request he sent, has been approved

64. Viewer – refund denied

This notification will be sent to the viewer when a refund request he sent, has been denied

65. Broadcaster – refund denied

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a refund request he sent, has been denied

66. Viewer – refund request

This notification will be sent to the viewer when a request for a PPV ticket he purchased has been sent by the item owner

67. PayPal Recurring Payment failed

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a recurring payment he requested has failed to process

68. PayPal Recurring Payment suspended

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a recurring payment he requested has been suspended due to maximum failed payments being reached

69. Admin – refund request

This notification will be sent to the admin when a request for a PPV ticket has been sent by the item owner or by a viewer who purchased a ticket

70. Broadcaster – refund request

This notification will be sent to the broadcaster when a request for a PPV ticket he created has been sent by a viewer who bought a ticket

71. You have a new support request – from admin

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a new support request is made by a user

72. Radio enabled

This notification will be sent to the user when a his radio channel is enabled by the administrator

73. Radio disabled

This notification will be sent to the user when a his radio channel is disabled by the administrator

74. PayPal subscription terminated

This notification will be sent to the user when his subscription paid using PayPal merchant was suspended due to the maximum number of failed payments

75. PayPal recurring payment failed

This notification will be sent to the user when his recurring subscription paid using PayPal merchant could not be processed

76. Credit Card Subscription Suspended – Admin

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a payment for a recurring subscription paid with credit card fails re-billing

77. Credit Card Subscription Suspended – User

This notification will be sent to the user when a payment for a recurring subscription he has paid with credit card failed re-billing

78. A new support log has been sent

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a new log is posted in a support ticket

79. New Order

This notification will be sent to the user when he completes a purchase on the website

80. New Sold Items

This notification will be sent to the user when another user has purchase a ticket to his event or a subscription to his channel

81. Pending Order Completed

This notification will be sent to the user when the transaction he paid using PayPal is completed.

82. Account created

This notification will be sent to the user when a new account has been created on the website using his email address.

83. API call from a forbidden IP address

This notification will be sent to the administrator and an API request is made by a user.

84. Package storage alert

This notification will be sent to the user when his account storage is bigger than the allowed storage for his package subscription.

85.  Radio will be disabled

This notification will be sent to the user when his radio channel has been inactive for 20 days.

86. Subscription Terminated

This notification will be sent to the user when the website administrator manually terminates his package subscription.

87. Canceled Subscription Items

This notification will be sent to the user when he cancels one of his multiple subscriptions.

88. Radio channel was disabled

This notification will be sent to the user when his radio channels has been disabled due to 30 days of inactivity.

89. Admin – Canceled Subscription Items

This notification will be sent to the administrator when a user cancels one of his recurring subscriptions.

90. Subscription Refund approved

This notification will be sent to the user when his refund request has been approved by the website administrator.

91. Subscription refund request denied

This notification will be sent to the user when his refund request has been denied by the website administrator.

92. Admin – New Subscription Refund Request

This notification will be sent to the website administrator when a user sends a refund request.

93. Viewer – New Subscription Refund Request

This notification will be sent to the viewer who purchased a ticket and the event owner asks for a refund on his behalf.

94. Viewer – Refund Request Issued by Buyer

This notification will be sent to the viewer who purchased a ticket and he asked for a refund.