Coupons List

On the Coupons Listing page you can view all the coupons generated and the day when they were redeemed. In order to do that login on admin account and click on the Coupons listing link from the menu:


The Coupons Listing page will open and you can view the list of coupons:

1. Select the start redeem date from which you want to filter the coupons list

2. Select the end redeem date until which you want to filter the coupons list

3. Enter the username which generated the coupons if you want to filter the coupons list based on a list generated by a specific administrator

4. Enter the coupons generated batch number to filter the coupons list by a specified batch coupons list

5. Select from the drop-down menu the status of the coupons that you want to filter: enabled, disabled

6. Select from the drop-down menu to filter the coupons list by the redeem status: yes, no

7. Select from the drop-down menu the coupon plan for which you want to filter the listing: premium channel, channel group

8. Select from the drop-down menu to filter the coupons list by the type of coupon: retail, gift with subscription

9. Click here to filter the coupons list by the selected search criteria

10. Click here to reset the filter search criteria and list all the coupons

11. Click here to export the coupons current list into a CSV file

12. Click here to export the list of redeemed users into a CSV file

13. Enter here the term for which you want to search: coupon code, username

14. Select from the drop-down menu where you want to perform the search: coupon code, username

15. Click here to perform the search

16. Click here to reset the filter search criteria and list all the coupons

17. Check this box if you plan to enable or disable the specific coupons

18. Here you can view the batch number on which the coupons were generated

19. Here you can view the administrator that generated the coupons

20. Here you can view the ID of the coupon

21. Here you can view the type of the coupon: gift, retail

22. Here you can view the code of the coupon – this is the code that the users will have to enter on the cart in order to benefit of the coupon’s granted access

23. Here you can view the status of the coupon

24. Here you can view the dealer to which the coupon is assigned

25. Here you can view the type of the plan to which this coupon will apply: channel group, premium channel

26. Here you can view the exact plan to which the coupon will apply

27. Here you can view the number of months that the user will gain access to the premium content when redeeming the coupon code

28. Here you can view the number of days that the user will gain access to the premium content when redeeming the coupon code

29. Here you can view the add-on plan to which the user will gain access when redeeming the coupon

30. Here you can view the user that redeemed the coupon

31. Here you can view the date when the user redeemed the coupon

32. From the drop-down menu select to enable or disable the coupons that you checked on point 17