Branding Your Players

On the branding page you have the option to customize your channel players using your own logos. Click on the My Logos and Branding link under the Publishing Account menu:


You can customize the logos for your live channel, video, and radio channel players:

1. Check the Yes radio button if you want to display watermark logo on your live channel, or the No radio button if you don’t want to display watermark logo on your channel.

2. Here you can view the actual watermark that is displayed into the player.

3. Click here to reset the watermark to default.

4. Click here to upload a logo from your computer. The size of the image has to be 123px(w) x 53px(h) and the format PNG.

5. Enter the URL for the watermark logo.

6. Click here to save the changes on branding the player.

Note: If you don’t upload a watermark and select to display it on the website, or if you reset the watermark to the default one, the website default watermark logo will be displayed on the players.

7. Check the Yes radio button if you want to display watermark logo on your radio channel, or the No radio button if you don’t want to display watermark logo on your channel.

8. Here you can view the actual watermark that is displayed into the player.

9. Click here to reset the watermark to default.

10. Click here to upload a logo from your computer. The size of the image has to be 100px(w) x 15px(h) and the format PNG.

11. Enter the URL for the watermark logo.

12. Click here to save the changes on branding the player.


1. When you change the watermark logo, you need to clear the cache and cookies for the changes take effect.

2. The watermark logo is displayed only on the channel page (on TikiLIVE platform) and on the embedded players

13. Check the Yes radio button if you want to display the “Powered By” link on your radio channel, or the No radio button if you don’t want to display the “Powered By” link on your channel.

14. Enter the title of the “Powered By” link.

14. Enter the URL for the “Powered By” link.

16. Click here to save the changes on branding the player.