Live Radio page – Module

Note: this page is related to Better than Radio optional module

In Live Radio page you are able to view the live radio channels and also the full list of existing radio channels.

In order to do that you will need to click on Live Radio link from the Explore menu:

live streaming radio channels


This is how the Live Radio page looks like and below we will explain each field:

live streaming radio channels

1. Select from the drop down list the category of radio channels you want to see displayed

2. From this drop-down you can filter the listing options: online viewers, Newest to Oldest, Oldest to Newest, Most Viewed, Highest to Lowest Ratings, Lowest to Highest Ratings, Alphabetical a-z, Alphabetical z-a

3. Check this box if you want to display only the radio channels that are LIVE on this moment

4. Here you can see the status of the radio channel. When you click on the radio channel thumbnail you are redirected to the Radio Channel’s page

5. Here you can view the name of the channel

6. Here you can view the date when the channel was created

7. Here you can see the pagination index. You can click on the desired page number or on the arrows to go to the previous or the next page