Edit Premium channel

You can edit a channel from Premium Channels List page:

edit paid channel details


The Edit channel page will open:

edit paid channel details

Note: You will land into the edit channel page, the same page that can be opened from the Channels Listing page.

1. Here you can view the ID and the name of the channel that you are editing.

2. Click here to go back to Channels Listing page.

3. Check this radio button if you want to set this channel as Premium Channel.

4. Check this radio button if you don’t want to set the channel as a Premium Channel.

5. Click here to view the channel subscriptions. You will be redirected to Financial Summary page.

6. Check this radio button if you want to make the subscription to this channel recurring.

7. Check this radio button if you want to make the subscription available for a specific period of time. Enter in the fields the number of months (or days) for the period of time that the users have access to channels after they will buy the subscription.

Note: Admin can set a non recurring subscription term, using either days or months. Entry option value is hard coded to 2 digits, meaning that admin can choose maximum 99 days or 99 months.

8. Enter here the price that the subscribers will pay for this channel.

9. Enter here the amount that you will pay to broadcaster for each subscription.

10. Here you can view the amount that you (site administrator) will get from each subscription.

Note: the Expected net sale after fees includes transaction fees, so you will need to take this into account when you are setting the price.

11. Click here to save the Premium Channel details.



1. All FREE videos assigned to these premium channels will also be protected with the subscription to this channel. Users will have to pay for that subscription to gain access to the channel and videos.

2. Above rule no longer apply to PPV videos attached to a premium channel; user will have to pay both channel and attached PPV video in order to get access to both premium channel & PPV video.

E.g. Let’s say we have “Premium channel 1” having 12 USD price. To this channel are attached 3 videos, all of them are having a price of 5 USD each. Any user can have access as follows:

– pay 12 USD and get access only to “Premium channel 1”.

– pay 5 USD for each video and get access to the PPV videos too.

As already detailed at point 1, if videos are FREE (and attached to PREMIUM channel), user will pay only channel price and will have access to the free videos too.