Edit text on a page using Dictionary editor

Important: Changing of wording in dictionary might need editing templates

Warning: You will need HTML knowledge in order to edit the templates

Note: This is just one example of changing the design using CSS, but there are many other changes that you can do to change the design as you wish

If you look on the html source code of live.html you will find (in the “contentBox” div – that is the main holder of the content area of “live” page): 

<div class=”topLeft”><div class=”topRight”><div><h2><span>{$dict.title}</span></h2></div></div></div>


{$dict.title} it is a Smarty code that in fact displays the “title” variable from the dictionary array.

Dictionary array it is available in every page and it contains what you have defined for that page in the Dictionary editor.

Below we present you an example of editing the title of a website page using Dictionary editor:

admin dictionary editor page

1. Select from the drop down list the “Live” section

2. Click on the title key to edit the title of Channels page


Let’s see how the front page looks before editing (just main content area for live page):

admin dictionary editor page

You can see that the title of the page is”Channels


We will get back on the Dictionary Editor area and edit the title dictionary entry:

admin dictionary editor page

You can see the text of the title key is Channels and you can modify it whatever you want

We will change the text into “Live Channels:

admin dictionary editor page

Click the “Save” button for the change to take effect

You can close the Edit this dictionary entry popup window now. Then refresh the edit page in order to see that the title entry was modified

Note: in order to view the changes, you will need to refresh the front website


The title of the page has been modified:

admin dictionary editor page


Note: You may also need to clear cache on your browser if the changes are not displayed

Note: There are multiple instances for the same phrase on dictionary, one for each section. Usually admin will not change the proper one, that’s why you can use the search in order to filter the dictionary for all appearances of a certain word