Manage Radio channels – Module

Logged in as a broadcaster, in My Radio Channels page you will be able to manage your radio channels. In order to do that you will need to click on Channels button from the left side of the Dashboard area:

live brodcast platform radio channel


After the Channels menu tab opens, the user will have to click on the My Radio Channels link:

live brodcast platform radio channel


This is how the My Radio Channels page looks like and below we will explain each field:

radio channel live management

1. Click here if you want to add a new radio channel

2. Here you can view the thumbnail of the radio channel

3. Here you can view the name of the radio channel

4. Here you can view the total number of radio channel views

5. Click here if you want to edit the radio channel

6. Click here if you want to start broadcasting on this radio channel

7. Click here if you want to open the radio channel page into a new tab window