Edit Comments on Channel Page

Important: There are two types of comments on the channel page; Facebook comments and Streaming Platform comments. Depending on the settings made by the administrator of the website, the comments displayed can either be the Facebook comments, the website comments, or both.

In this page, we presented an example where the channel owner can see both types of comments, therefore he or she can edit them:

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1. Click the drop-down arrow here to access the Facebook comments menu.

2. Click here to collapse the comment, so you cannot see it.

Note: The comment will be hidden from your channel page for you, but will still be visible to other users.

3. Click here to mark the comment as spam to Facebook, if it is unwanted or part of an excessive post. This will remove the comment from the channel page.

4. Click her to report the post to Facebook. It will be temporarily removed while Facebook reviews it.

5. Click here to embed the comment.

6. Click here to like the Facebook comment.

7. Click here to reply to the Facebook comment. You will need to be logged into a Facebook account on your browser.

8. Click here to delete the Streaming Platform comment.