Mobile applications branding

In order to create the mobile applications for your platform, several branding requirements are needed.

Our developers will use the branding images you provide in order to configure the mobile apps.


iOS mobile application branding requirements

Please download the zip file below and update each existing image with your own branding logo:


The list of images need to build iOS application is the following:
A. Application Logo saved as 32-bit PNG (with transparency):

125×44 App-Logo.png
250×88 App-Logo@2x.png
375×132 App-Logo@3x.png

B. Application Icons saved as 24-bit PNG (no transparency):

512×512 iTunesArtwork.png
1024×1024 iTunesArtwork@2x.png
1536×1536 iTunesArtwork@3x.png
167×167 Icon-167.png
120×120 Icon-60@2x.png
180×180 Icon-60@3x.png
76×76 Icon-76.png
152×152 Icon-76@2x.png
40×40 Icon-Small-40.png
80×80 Icon-Small-40@2x.png
120×120 Icon-Small-40@3x.png
29×29 Icon-Small.png
58×58 Icon-Small@2x.png
87×87 Icon-Small@3x.png


Mandatory requirements:

a. keep the same file names as provided in the zip file
b. keep the same file type as provided in the zip file
c. keep the same file dimensions as provided in the zip file


Please follow the steps below in order to create the Mobile application branding:

1. Download the zip file above “mobile-apps-branding”.

2. Extract the files in your PC.

3. Open each file/image from the folder.

4. Edit each image, using a Photo editor, in order to update the TikiLIVE branding with your own.

5. Save the changes, without modifying the file name, type or size.

6. Once all images updated, archive the folder and send it to us.


Android mobile application branding requirements

The branding for the Android app needs to include the following files:
A. Application Logo not larger than 380×80 px, PNG-24 format with transparency
B. Application Icon 512×512 pixels, PNG-24 format with transparency
C. Application Banner 320×180 pixels, JNG format

Please download the zip file below and to have an example of the logos needed for Android mobile application.