iOS video details

When playing a video from the Streaming Platform iOS app, you will be able to see the video details page as shown below:

iOS Video Details-011

1. Here you can see video play in the player.

2. Here you can see the title of the video.

3. Here your can see details about the video such as the rating, video length, and any tags informing you if the video is HD.

Note: At this moment the users can rate the videos only from web interface.

4. Click the drop-down arrow to show the videos description.

5. Here you can see other videos from the category.

6. Here you can see the thumbnail of the videos.

7. Here you can see the title of the video.

8. Here you can see the length of the video.


If you have clicked on the arrow presented on point 4, then you can view the description of the video like into the following image:

iOS Video Details-02