Configure PayPal IPN

IPN notifies you when an event occurs that affects a transaction. The IPN link from the admin area must be inserted in PayPal IPN Settings area in order to connect the two websites.

Note: IPN configuration is mandatory for all recurring payments

Once logged into your PayPal account, go to My Account page:

configure paypal ipn url


1. Click on My Account tab to open the page

2. Click on Profile tab to view the menu of your profile

3. Click on My selling tools to open the page


On My selling tools page, you will see the Instant Payment Notifications area:

configure paypal ipn url

1. Click the Update button in order to edit the IPN settings


The Instant Payment Notification page will open with the current settings , as you can see in the following picture:

edit instant payment notifications

1. Here you can see the Notification URL you have already inserted

2. Here you can see if the message delivery is enabled or not

Note: the status of the message delivery should always be set to “enabled” for the IPN feature to work as expected.

3. Click here to edit the settings

4. Click here to turn off IPN


If you click on Edit Settings button or if you haven’t inserted a URL link before, the following page will be displayed:

paypal notification url

1. Insert the URL link from the admin area in this field

paypal configure url

2. Check this radio button to enable IPN messages

Note: IPN messages should always be enabled for the IPN feature to work as expected.

3. Click here to save the settings

4. Click here to cancel the settings


Note: clients who have upgraded their software solutions to latest versions must check and update the IPN link in their PayPal account


Clients who have software solutions versions prior to 3.0 will have the IPN link as the one below:


This link needs to be updated with the new IPN link, for updated versions, like the one below:
