About PayPal SandBox testing process

PayPal Sandbox is a testing platform which helps you test the functionality of your application and the transaction processing

The PayPal Sandbox mirrors all of the functionality of the live PayPal.com website with the exception that money never changes hands

The PayPal Sandbox environment comprises the following:

During your testing phase, use Sandbox endpoints and your test account details in each PayPal API request you make. Create and manage your set of test accounts from the Sandbox Accounts page. Use the Sandbox test site to review the transactions associated with the calls you make using your test accounts.

In order to start testing transactions you need to have a PayPal developer (https://developer.paypal.com) account to which you can assign testing accounts
You can create a new PayPal developer account or you can register with your PayPal account credentials

Email accounts created are not real. The accounts are automatically confirmed and are only valid on Sandbox platform

Follow the steps described int his chapter in order to properly configure and connect the platform system to the PayPal Sanbox website