Recurring payments on sandbox

All info from this page is strictly related with SANDBOX – test mode payment processor

We do not recommend to test the recurring payments on PayPal sandbox due to the fact that from our testing experience related with Sandbox, even the IPN is properly setup there are big chances that recurring payments to not be processed, and remained in “Pending authorization….”. Sometimes recurring payments are working properly, but most of the time they are not

That is why the admin will have to check if the IPN is correctly set on Testarea environment. If IPN is not setup all recurring payments will fail in test mode, the following message will be received: Your existing subscription is pending authorization

Due to fact that Sandbox is a testing merchant and is dealing with a 3rd party product, that we can not control, our recommendation only for testing in Sandbox mode, is that tests should be made only with direct payments


E.g.: If you want to make sure that your PPV testing functionality is not affected, when you’re adding a Premium or a channel group, please make sure that “Period length” or “Subscription terms” is not dealing with any recurring references

For example I setup from admin area a channel like:

  • Premium Channel Status: Yes
  • Subscription Terms: 35 days — not recurring
  • Retail Price: 10 USD
  • Broadcaster Fees: 5 USD
  • Expected Net Sale After Fees: 5.00 USD


We did the same for a channel group:

  • Period length: 25 days — not recurring
  • Retail Price (what user pays): 35 USD
  • Channel Fees (paid out to broadcasters): 20.00 USD
  • Expected Net Sale after Fees: 15.00 USD


This way we set the recurring option to NO


As an alternative you may choose at any time to change / switch to PayPal and make full testing (including recurring payments) using REAL transactions