About Ads Account

The first thing you need to do is contact Ads providers and create an account with them.
We recommend Google, Tremor – providers we tested so far.

Important: Please note that only successful applications for Google AdSense will receive a confirmation email containing instructions on how to launch and begin monetizing. 

After that you add the details in our admin dashboard into “Ads Accounts”

Ads will play on the channels and you can earn revenue from the views/hits.

You need to create a Google Ansense account and get your publisher ID:

This ID is inserted in admin dashboard.

Domain ownership: To complete the AdSense approval process, you need to connect your site to AdSense. It’s so we can confirm you’re the owner of the site and that your site meets the AdSense policies.
To connect your site , copy the code from your AdSense homepage and paste it into the HTML of your site right after the <head> tag. Make sure to place the code on a page that receives traffic.

We did a little research and the first step in getting the Google adsense videos ads is to add the adsense code they provided on Homepage.

You can do this from Template Manager on your website:

Google adsense code can be found on your Homepage now.

Then you can reply to Google they can review the website.