Add new Ad Account

The website administrator can edit the existing Ads Accounts installed on the platform. In order to do that he will have to click on the Add new ad account from Ads Accounts page.

The Add Ads account page will open and the website administrator can insert the Ad account details:

1. Enter here the name of the ad account you want to add on the platform

2. Check the status of the Ad Account: Enabled or Disabled

3. Select from the drop-down the type of the Ad Account

Note: If the type is not listed on the drop-down please contact our Support team and we will estimate the integration of the Ad into your platform

Important: the details from point 4,5 and 6 needs to be the ones that the Ad provider has sent to you; if you don’t have them then please contact the Ad provider in order to obtain the details

4. Enter here the details of the Publisher ID

5. Check the box of the corresponding ad that you want to enable on video playback: pre-roll ad, mid-roll ad, post-roll ad

6. Check the box of the corresponding ad that you want to enable on Live streaming Ads playback: pre-roll ad

7. Select the type of the Ad overlay that the player will display: text or image ad

8. Select if you want to allow users to skip the ad or not

9. Select from the drop-down menu the preset duration of the ad

10. Click here to save the Ad details



Items to be considered:

1. The publisher ID should be inserted by you on admin area on the Ad Server page:
Once this is done the Google Ads will be served to your visitors inside the player.

2. The ads will appear as pre-roll and midd-roll on the channels during the Live stream

3. The ads will play on the channels from the platform that have the option “Show ads on this channel:” set to YES (from edit channel page in admin)

4. At this moment the Ads are disabled on TikiLIVE platform, but we have attached a video to this ticket showing you how the pre-roll and midd-roll will appear: Ads-player.mp4

5. For details about income you should check with the Ads providers, they can tell you as the income is on their side and they are in control of what ads are sending to your viewers.