Blueprint description

Blueprint Deliverable Explained

Blueprints are required for all Advancements or Change Orders and must be approved based on requests.

At the initial stage of blueprinting, our support and development team are assigned to your project and seek approval for their time to discuss the project with you and time is billed against the approval. The blueprint phase may include research, creating logical workflow maps, and on occasion testing a proof of concept in order to provide a detailed quote with a defined scope of work. The team will seek approval for each step of the Blueprint deliverable using the support ticket system each phase must be approved prior to work starting on that phase of blueprinting. Details and our findings will be posted in the ticket directly. The Blueprint deliverable will include our professional recommendation and plan of action to move forward along with the timeline quote for each feature / function requested.

The scope of Blueprint delivery is to also advise you on best usability and functionality of the software and custom services based on the specifications you have outlined.  You can greatly reduce the discovery during the blueprinting phase by completing your own logical workflow maps as well as use cases.  Some time may apply for us to revise the items created by you to meet our format.

Keep in mind that our team must warranty and support the product 12 months after the final product is delivered. The support of the software, modules and customizations are taken into consideration in order for us to support the final product.

The Blueprint shall include user stories and detailed schematics along with design specifications and recommendations on user interfaces to be used in the software deliverable.

We will seek approval of each portion of the Blueprint Deliverable from the Support Ticket System. Once you approve the phase of work, Streaming platform will then move ahead with additional Blueprinting phase.

What may be included with the delivery of the Blueprint:

a) Complete user stories covering all the situations on site

b) Complete logical usability maps

c) Complete site wireframes with pseudo navigation

d) User Interface options for you to consider for navigation for users / admin / super admin functions

e) A conservative cost break out of each component that make up the entire project
-> NOTE: as these are customizations sometimes some projects tend to overshoot the initial development quote.  This additional time will also need to be approved by the client but we do our best to make sure the original quote will be sufficient to deliver the approved blueprint.

The Blueprint deliverable work will be spread out by multiple specialists and team members here at Streaming platform. Of course there are several factors to consider and information to compile this level of detail in your Blueprint. Once completed you should have a success plan of action to move ahead (or not) with the project. The deliverable includes advice on the best ideas, concepts and approach for a successful platform launch.

These Blueprints are done for the benefit of our clients, as it outlines the logic so it aligns with what you envision from the customizations.  With the Blueprint complete our development team has a visual representation as well as scientific use cases that dictate the course of development rather than guessing (with no BP) the course of development.  The blueprint process also removes the “surprise” factor that a particular development scope does not meet your needs, as everything is reviewed and approved by our clients.

The quotes initially may be higher when quoting ROM estimates of hours. We can only rely on the most recent “like” work we have completed for other clients in this case. ROM only means “Rough Order of Magnitude”. A Blueprint is necessary to refine the ROM quote and give us a very clear idea of what is required to produce that particular functionality and how much time will be required to develop and delivery it. During the Blueprint many of the items you have seen quoted will dropped due to us finding alternate solutions or they may be other ways to handle the same function and this of course saves you money.

We attempt to be very careful to estimate the amount of time – based on specifications you have delivered to us. The Blueprints are important due to the size of the platform. We certainly do not want to promise a feature or function that can cause faults in other parts of the platform. We shall take care to make sure that we are estimating based off of the details that you provided to improve the platform for you and that we can support now and in the years ahead.