Edit “common” files

Considerations about “common” files

When you look at the dictionary entries for “live” section you may noticed that there is an entry for “meta_title”. However, in the template html source you cannot see directly the call for that entry. That is because meta_title dictionary key is called in the “common/header.html”.

So how does this work? If we have “meta_title” defined in header.html (that is included by all front files except AJAX ones) then at run time it will have the value from the section dictionary that calls it. Example:

–    in “live” section we can have it “live channels

–    in “people” section it is “browse people

So “meta_title” entry is defined in both dictionary sections.

To see all “common” files you have to click on “common” folder from Template Editor. Please take care when editing those files as the modifications you are doing there will be available in all pages.