More HTML editing

Warning: You will need HTML knowledge in order to edit the templates

Note: This is just one example of changing the design using CSS, but there are many other changes that you can do to change the design as you wish

We will do some more modifications now in Live page: we will add a new text at the top of the page

For this we have to go to Template editor -> live.html page

We will add the following text:

Please select a category from the left menu in order to filter live events

This is the code that needs to be inserted into the HTML file:

<div> Please select a category from the left menu in order to filter live events</div>


This is how the Live page looks like:

how to view page source


Now we have to go back to Template editor -> live.html page:

edit css social network files


We will add a line into the HTML code in order to display the text above the Show live Channels only check box from live.html page:

edit html template code

Enter the new code line and click on “Save details”


Let’s refresh the Live page on front-end website to see the modifications:

The new text was just added.


As you can see – with some HTML knowledge – you can modify the entire source of the page.