Templates files list

In this page you can see a list of templates for frontend and backend:

‘Templates’ folder

[common/ Folder]

  • footer.html – Footer area to be included in all frontend pages.
  • footer_backoffice.html – Footer area to be included in all backend pages.
  • header.html – Header area to be included in all frontend pages.
  • header_backoffice.html – Header area to be included in all backend pages.
  • sidebar.html – Sidebar video categories menu to be included in Videos page.
  • sidebar_backoffice.html – Sidebar menu to be included on all backend pages.

[my_profile/ Folder] Dashboard:

  • crop.html – Profile crop profile picture
  • edit_profile.html – Profile edit form
  • main.html – Profile main page

[payment/ Folder] – Payment templates

Note: here will be listed the template files of the merchant processor that you have installed

[shared/ Folder] – Ajax loaded templates

  • chat_embed.html – Host’s chat page
  • chat_host_details.html – Host’s details from chat page
  • chat_hosts.html – Hosts listing from chat page
  • disclaimer.html – Disclaimer window
  • favorites.html – Favorites list
  • financial_reports_summary.html – Affiliate/Broadcaster/Studio/Webmaster Financial Summary
  • get_embed_for_video.html – Video get embed
  • hosts.html – Hosts listing
  • latest_videos.html – Homepage bottom, latest videos list
  • lobby_hosts.html – Lobby hosts listing
  • modal_buy_video.html – Buy video window
  • notify_me.html – Profile page checkbox for getting notified when host comes online
  • pagination.html – Template1 for pagination on all main pages
  • pagination2.html – Template2 for pagination on lobby and chat page pages
  • people.html – Search page People results
  • photo_buy.html – Buy picture window
  • photos.html – Host’s photos page
  • profile_comments.html – Host’s profile comments listing
  • profile_friends.html – Host’s profile friends listing
  • profile_friends_modal.html – Host’s profile view all friends window
  • profile_images.html – Host’s profile photos area
  • profile_make_appointment.html – Host’s profile make appointment window
  • profile_reviews.html – Host’s profile reviews listing
  • profile_vod.html – Host’s profile videos listing
  • recordedvideos.html – Videos listing
  • timezone.html – Timezone window for backend
  • timezone_frontend.html – Timezone window for frontend
  • tip.html – Tip host window
  • user_flag.html – Report user
  • video_comments.html – Video comments
  • video_flag.html – Report video
  • video_other_vod.html – Other videos from this host, on Video page
  • videos.html – Host’s video listing
  • viewer_reports_summary.html – Viewer financial report

[/] Frontend:

  • blog.html – Blog
  • blog_view.html – Blog
  • buy.html – Buy
  • buy_back.html – Buy
  • buy_process.html – Buy
  • buy_tokens_error.html – Buy
  • buy_tokens_ok.html – Buy
  • chat.html – Chat
  • chat_popup.html – Chat PopUp
  • favorites.html – Favorites
  • hosts.html – Hosts main page for loading Ajax content
  • lobby.html – Lobby page
  • login.html – Login / Register page
  • lostpassword.html – Lost password page
  • my_credits.html – Credits page
  • page.html – Static pages added from Admin, which can be added in footer links
  • photos.html – Photos main page for loading Ajax content
  • profile.html – User profile page
  • reactivate.html – Reactivate account
  • recordedvideos.html – Videos page for loading Ajax content
  • search.html – Search main page for loading Ajax content
  • top10.html – Top 10 page
  • video.html – Video page
  • videos.html – Videos main page for loading Ajax content

[/] Backend/dashboard:

  • affiliate_details.html – Affiliate
  • affiliate_reports.html – Affiliate
  • affiliate_summary_report.html – Affiliate
  • affiliate_transform_tokens.html – Affiliate
  • api_application_add.html – API
  • api_application_edit.html – API
  • api_application_ip.html – API
  • api_developer.html – API
  • api_developer.html – API
  • api_developer_sidebar.html – API
  • appointments.html – Appointments
  • banner_generator.html – Affiliate banner generator
  • blocked_ips.html – Blocked ips
  • blocked_users.html – Blocked users
  • blog_add.html – Blog add
  • blog_dashboard.html – Blog dashboard
  • blog_edit.html – Blog edit
  • bought_photos.html – Bought photos
  • bought_videos.html – Bought videos
  • branding.html – Branding
  • broadcaster_add.html – Broadcaster add
  • broadcaster_earnings.html – Broadcaster earnings
  • broadcaster_edit.html – Broadcaster edit
  • broadcaster_prices.html – Broadcaster prices
  • broadcaster_schema_details.html – Broadcaster schema
  • broadcaster_summary_report.html – Broadcaster financial report
  • broadcasters_management.html – Broadcasters management
  • broadcasting_settings.html – Broadcaster settings
  • compose_message.html – Message Center compose message
  • country_ban.html – Country ban
  • country_ban_edit.html – Country ban
  • country_ban_region_edit.html – Region ban
  • country_ban_regions.html – Region ban
  • embed_domains.html – Embed free chat
  • embeded_chat.html – Embed free chat
  • friends.html – Friends
  • friends_pending.html – Friends
  • friends_requests.html – Friends
  • gallery.html – Profile picture from gallery
  • golive.html – Brodcaster console
  • live_broadcasters.html – Live broadcasters feed
  • message.html – Message Center
  • messages.html – Message Center
  • my_appointments.html – My Appointments
  • my_profile.html – My Profile
  • my_schedule.html – Broadcaster schedule
  • my_videos.html – My Videos
  • not_found.html – 404 Not Found page
  • picture_edit.html – Photo Edit
  • pictures.html – Photos management
  • set_chat_prices.html – Set chat prices
  • signup_documents.html – Broadcaster Signup documents
  • site_seo_default_meta_tags.html – Webmaster SEO
  • site_seo_meta_tags.html – Webmaster SEO
  • site_seo_meta_tags_add.html – Webmaster SEO
  • sold_photos.html – Sold photos
  • sold_videos.html – Sold videos
  • studio_payments_confirm.html – Studio
  • studio_payments_report.html – Studio
  • studio_summary_report.html – Studio
  • template_manager.html – Webmaster Template Manager
  • tokens_purchases_report.html – Viewer tokens purchases report
  • video_details.html – Video edit page
  • viewer_summary_report.html – Viewer financial report
  • webmaster_content_filter.html – Webmaster
  • webmaster_summary_report.html – Webmaster
  • webmasters_logo.html – Webmaster
  • webmasters_sites.html – Webmaster
  • welcome.html – Welcome page