Show disclaimer on videos

Click on the Videos Listing page in Videos Management chapter in order to view the page:

edit disclaimer window message


Once the page opens, click on the name of the video you want to edit:


When the page opens, in General Information area you will see the option to Show Disclaimer Window:

edit disclaimer window message

1. Check this radio button to show the Disclaimer Window on Video page.

2. Check this radio button not to show the Disclaimer Window on Video page.

3. Click here to save the settings you have made.


This is how the disclaimer window looks on the website, when user try to watch a video:


The user needs to check the box to agree with the terms and conditions and then click on Enter Site button.


Important: The disclaimer can be accepted by the visitor one time per session – this means that if the admin have set the disclaimer to be displayed on homepage, channel and video then the visitor will accept the disclaimer one time only, no-matter if he will access later the other areas where the disclaimer was set to be displayed.