How do I disable/delete user accounts?

A. Admin Disabling Accounts

In this manual page you can view how the admin can disable a user account

Point 8: This is informing you that the account of this user is disabled


B. User deleting his account from the user dashboard

The user can delete his own account from My Profile page – this process is detailed in the manual page

In this manual page you can view how a user can opt to delete his account

Point 17: When a user wants to delete his account the account will be marked with Yes on the “Account Closed (deleted)” area when you edit the account


Note: Delete functionality in our solution does not physically delete the account, it just disables the account and all the associated content. So after account is deleted basically all content is disabled. This was implemented in order to NOT break financial reports (PPV, sold tickets, channel subscriptions) data from admin & front end areas