HTML5 hosting services FAQ

Q: Can I add more servers after the initial configuration is made?

A: Additional servers can be added into solution. Adding an additional server implies knowing for what that server will be used. We usually recommend additional servers to split services from running on the same server (example: use an additional server which will run the chat application).


Q: What is the total monthly bandwidth allowed for web traffic? Does this include uploading of video content? Is there any warning if I exceed my limit?

A: Monthly bandwidth is provided according to the hosting plan chosen by the customer. Bandwidth traffic includes inbound + outbound, any traffic made to the server via public IP(s). Servers are monitored and we have weekly traffic reports so that the client is notified that he might exceed the allocated monthly bandwidth when this is the case. Accounting team provides upgrade options based on the outages.


Q: Who does the disk backup and what is the retention?

A: Servers are fully managed. Backups are performed automatically daily with a 30 day retention (backup plan is acquired separately, as an extra option and can be chosen at any time. Longer retention is possible on request and for an additional cost. Backups and all operations that require servers work are done by Streaming platform servers management team.


Q: What is the process for solving any occurred issue?

A: Streaming platform servers management team deploys various monitoring tools for specific issues and also for custom checks. Streaming platform servers management team identifies and resolves the issues related to servers and also provides to development team the errors that affect the functionality when needed.


Q: If Adobe Flash Player or another Original Equipment Manufacturer software needs patches or upgrades, who applies those?

A: Software upgrades are performed by Streaming platform servers management team.


Q:  Do I have root access, passwords for software install and server reboot?

A: No. Providing root access implies removing our licenses from servers for FMIS/ip2location or other 3rd party product that uses our licenses. If root access is provided we do not provide any warranty. Any work that might be needed in case of something going wrong after root access was provided shall be considered exploratory and therefore it is billable.


Q: Are there any ban IPs facilities?

A: The Country Ban module can offer this functionality for your platform.