Steps for publishing the iOS app in Apple store

The process of publishing an app in Apple store requires multiple steps that need to be performed by the Apple developer and also the customer.

Please check and read them carefully as detailed below.

1. Customer creates an Apple developer account. Under this account, the application will be listed in the Apple Store. If the customer already has an application published, the same account can be used. If the customer does not have any apps published in the App Store, they need to create an Apple Developer account and pay the annual fee –

2. All contact information and tax fees need to be filled in and updated by the customer, so that in-app purchase feature work as expected.

3. Apple account credentials need to be provided to TikiLIVE iOS developer.

4. iOS developer creates bundle ID

5. iOS developer creates certificates

6. iOS developer sets up Project in Xcode with bundle Id and certificates

7. iOS developer creates iOS project in iTunes

8.  iOS developer creates in-app-purchase products (iTunes)
a) Add subscription Duration
b) Add subscription Price – based on Channel group subscriptions prices on the website
c) Add Description – with placeholders
#live_channels #Live Channels
#catchup_channels #FREE Catch up TV Channels
#audio_channels #Radio Channels
d) Add screen Shots for in-app-purchases packages

9. iOS developer uploads application to iTunes

10. Customer adds screenshots for the app and description

11. Customer fills in all required fields for General Information

12. Customer revises all settings and submits the app for review.



Apple review process depends strictly on their process and can be subjective (the person who reviews the app). TikiLIVE cannot guarantee the review process will be successful from the first time. Our team can only assist with suggestions and recommendations.


Apple documentation for in-app purchase configuration: