Encoded videos reports

Logged in your admin account, click on the Encoded Videos, under Reports menu to view the broadcasters encoded videos report:

encoded videos report


Here you can view the reports for all encoded videos uploaded by broadcasters in the system:

1. Type here the name of user you want to search.

2. Select where you want to perform the search: in user name or in user ID.

3. Click here to start the search.

4. Click here to reset the filters.

5. Here you can see the date when the file was uploaded in the system.

6. Here you can see the title of the encoded video. Click on it and you will be redirected to the Edit Video page.

7. Here you can see the username of the broadcaster who encoded the video. Click on it and you will be redirected to the Edit User page.

8. In this column you can see the video encoding format.

9. Here you can see the video file type: mp4.

10. In this column you can see the video encoding resolution.

11. Here you can see the size of the video.

12. Here you can see the encoding process status: finished, pending or failed.

13. Here you can see the pagination and you can select how many items you want to see displayed on the page.