View financial summary

Logged in your admin account, click on Financial Summary link, under Reports menu:

transactions report financial summary


Here you can view the transactions and the money received into your system for a specific day, week, month and year.


Search Filters

financial summary search filter

1. From here you can select to view the reports for a desired broadcaster by entering his username.

2. From here you can select to view the reports for a desired broadcaster by entering his email address.

3. Select the day from when you want to view the reports.

4. Select the day until when you want to view the reports.

5. From here you can select to view the reports for a desired viewer by entering his username.

6. From here you can select to view the reports for a desired content.

7. Enter here the specific content which reports you want to see.

8. Click here to filter the reports.


Financial transactions report

transactions report financial summary

1. On this row you can view the group subscriptions payments – money paid by users who subscribed to channel groups.

2. On this row you can view the premium channel (individual) subscriptions payments – money paid by users who subscribed to a premium channel.

3. On this row you can view the events ticket payments – money paid by users to buy tickets to events.

4. On this row you can view the VOD ticket payments – money paid by users to buy tickets to VODs.

5. On this row you can view the package subscription payments – money paid by users to buy subscriptions to packages.

6. On this row you can view the bandwidth purchases – money paid by users to buy additional bandwidth.

7. On this row you can view the payments made for Roku – money paid by users when they bought tickets from Roku.

8. On this row you can view the total transactions and amount of money earned by the site owner.

9. Here you can view the transactions for a specific day.

10. Here you can view the transactions for a specific week.

11. Here you can view the transactions for a specific month.

12. Here you can view the transactions for a specific year.


Transaction Chart

transactions report financial summary

Click on the Show/Hide button to view or to hide the graphical sales chart.


You can view the detailed payments made for Pay Per View, Channel subscriptions and Roku by selecting the desired tab from the following:


1. Click here to view the Pay Per View transactions – the tickets sold on videos and events.

2. Click here to view the Channel Subscription transactions – the subscriptions sold for group channels and individual channels.

3. Click here to view the Roku Transactions – the tickets sold on Roku set top box.

4. Click here to view the Roku tokens – the tickets sold on Roku set top box.



Below you can view an example of a detailed PPV reports:


1. Click here to view the PPV transaction reports.

2. Click here to export the file.

3. Click here to view the printer friendly version.

4. Here you can view the transaction number.

5. Here you can view the transaction date.

6. Here you can view the transaction status.

7. Here you can view the transaction ID.

8. Here you can view the Merchant’s name.

9. Here you can view the type of the transaction.

10. Here you can view the name of the video/event for which the ticket was sold.

11. Here you can view the owner of the sold content.

12. Here you can view the name of the content buyer.

13. Here you can view the sale amount – the price of the event or video.

14. Here you can view the fees amount.

Note: The fees amount include the estimated transaction fee, any possible fee discrepancy and the broadcaster net income.

15. Here you can view the net amount – the amount that the admin will receive. This percentage is controlled by the administrator of the website from Site Settings area – Admin Channel Event Holdback for Events and Admin VOD Holdback for Videos.

Note: if n/a appears in the merchant column and the price of the sale is 0 it means that the user was granted a ticket by the website administrator.

16. Here you can see the total sums of the transactions.

17. Here you can see the pagination index, the number of records found and you can select how many items you want to see displayed on the page.


In picture above, the video “Pain and Gain” has:

  • a selling price of $10
  • the total amount of fees, including the broadcaster income, the merchant fee and any other possible fee discrepancy is $8
  • the net income, the amount that the admin receives from this transaction is $2



Below you can view the detailed Channel Subscription report:

transactions report financial summary

1. Click here to export the CSV report.

2. Click here to view the printer friendly version of the report.

3. Here is the subscription item number.

4. Here is the subscription status.

5. Here you can view the purchase date of the subscription.

6. Here you can view the subscription transaction ID.

Note: the administrator of the website can add channel subscriptions from Edit User page. If the admin has added a channel subscription, the transaction ID will be listed as free in Financial Summary page.The transaction IDs remain stored Channel Subscription financial report page, even after they have been removed or completed.

7. Here you can view the merchant user for the payment of the subscription.

8. Here you can view the subscription type: group or individual channels.

9. Here you can view the group name.

10 Here you can view the user that subscribed to the group.

11. This is the amount paid by the viewer.

12. This are the transaction fees – the broadcaster amount.

Note: The fees amount include the estimated transaction fee, any possible fee discrepancy and the broadcaster net income.

13. Here you can view the net amount – the amount that the admin will receive. This percentage is controlled by the administrator of the website from Channel Management area or from Edit Channel Subscriptions (if the user has the Middleware Module purchased).



Below you can view the detailed Roku reports:

financial report roku

1. Here you can view the transaction date.

2. Here you can view the transaction status.

3. Here you can view the transaction ID.

4. Here you can view the type of the transaction: video.

5. Here you can view the name of the video.

6. Here you can view the name of the broadcaster.

7. Here you can view the name of the viewer.

8. Here you can view the sale amount – the price of the video.

9. Here you can view the fees amount.

Note: The fees amount include the estimated transaction fee, any possible fee discrepancy and the broadcaster net income.

10. Here you can view the net amount – the amount that the admin will receive. This percentage is controlled by the administrator of the website from Site Settings area.



Roku Tokens


1. Click here to view the Roku token report.

2. He e you can see the transaction ID.

3. In this column you can see the payment date.

4. Here you can see the username of the user who purchased the Roku tokens package.

5. Here you can see the name of the package.

6. Here you can see the number of tokens included in the package.

7. Here you can see the price of the Roku tokens package.

8. Here you can see the total amount for the transactions.

9. Here you can see the pagination index, the number of records found and you can select how many items you want to see displayed on the page.

Note: for more information and examples of how Money Flow in our system, click on the title link.



Terms Legend:

1. What Amount value represents is the total value of sales made on system for that specific category (channels ticket, video tickets, subscription payments and bandwidth purchases).

2. What Expenses values represents is the sum of:

– Broadcaster take and PayPal fees (for channels ticket, video tickets)

– PayPal fees (for subscription payments and bandwidth purchases)

You can view more details about PayPal fees here.

In order to cover the PayPal fees, you will need to set a bigger percentage for the ppv_transaction_percent and ppv_vod_transaction_percent on the PPV Settings page.

3. Net value represents the difference between Amount value and Expenses and will be the money that Admin earned for the transactions done.