Add a New Support Ticket

To add a support ticket, access the Support Tickets page to see your support dashboard:

Support Tickets-01


In order to add a new ticket, click on the New Support Ticket button:



Once the page opens, you need to select the type of the question you have and fill in all fields in order to submit your support ticket.

Important: based on the support category type that you selected, the items detailed below may differ.

See below each of the question types explained:

1. Technical Problems Broadcasting

2. General Viewing / Navigation issues

3. Accounting / Billing Inquiry

4. General Membership Questions / Registration



1. Technical Problems Broadcasting

As broadcaster you can select to submit a new ticket if you have technical issues. This area applies for broadcaster type users only:


1. Click here and select a category type to which you want to assign the question – in this case the selection was Technical Problems Broadcasting

2. Select from the drop-down list the Operating System you are using.

3. Select from the drop-down list the Browser you are using.

4. Insert the version number of the Browser you are using.

5. Insert here the version number of the Flash Player you are using.

6. Click on the drop down list to select the Broadcaster you are using.

7. Click on the drop down list to select the resolution of your streaming.

8. Type in this bar the name of the Channel where you are streaming.

9. Type in this bar the upload speed of your internet connection (Mb/s).

10. Type in this bar the download speed your internet connection (Mb/s).

11. Type here the subject of your question.

12. Type your message in the box.

13. Click here to browse a file in your computer in order to upload it.

Note: you upload the following file types mp3, wav, flac, m4a, ogg, wma, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, psd, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv, flv, avi, mkv, mp4, 3gp, ogg, webm, f4v, m4v, ogv. with a size under 90 MB.

14. Click here to submit the ticket.




2. General Viewing / Navigation issues

The viewers can select to submit a new ticket anytime they have viewing or navigation issues on TikiLIVE platform:

1. Click here and select a category type to which you want to assign the question – in this case the selection was General Viewing / Navigation issues

2. Select from the drop-down list the Operating System you are using.

3. Select from the drop-down list the Browser you are using.

4. Insert the version number of the Browser you are using.

5. Insert here the version number of the Flash Player you are using.

6. Enter here the model of the device that you are using.

7. Type in this bar the name of the Channel or Video where you are having navigation issues

8. Type in this bar the download speed your internet connection (Mb/s).

9. If you received an error message then please post the details here and if you can make a screen-shot upload it on step 12

10. Type here the subject of your question.

11. Type your message in the box.

12. Click here to browse a file in your computer in order to upload it.

Note: you upload the following file types mp3, wav, flac, m4a, ogg, wma, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, psd, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv, flv, avi, mkv, mp4, 3gp, ogg, webm, f4v, m4v, ogv. with a size under 90 MB.

13. Click here to submit the ticket.



3. Accounting / Billing Inquiry

The viewers can select to submit a new ticket anytime they have questions about accounting or billing:

1. Click here and select a category type to which you want to assign the question – in this case the selection was Accounting / Billing Inquiry

2. Select from the drop-down list the Operating System you are using.

3. Select from the drop-down list the Browser you are using.

4. Insert the version number of the Browser you are using.

5. Insert here the ID of the transaction that you have issues with

6. Type here the subject of your question.

7. Type your message in the box.

8. Click here to browse a file in your computer in order to upload it.

Note: you upload the following file types mp3, wav, flac, m4a, ogg, wma, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, psd, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv, flv, avi, mkv, mp4, 3gp, ogg, webm, f4v, m4v, ogv. with a size under 90 MB.

9. Click here to submit the accounting inquiry ticket.




4. General Membership Questions / Registration

The viewers can select to submit a new ticket anytime they have questions about accounting or billing:

1. Click here and select a category type to which you want to assign the question – in this case the selection was General Membership Questions / Registration

2. Select from the drop-down list the topic on which you are interested:

  • Buying / Viewing content
  • Selling content
  • Setting up my own white label theater
  • Referral program

3. Type here the subject of your question.

4. Type your message in the box.

5. Click here to browse a file in your computer in order to upload it.

Note: you upload the following file types mp3, wav, flac, m4a, ogg, wma, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, psd, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv, flv, avi, mkv, mp4, 3gp, ogg, webm, f4v, m4v, ogv. with a size under 90 MB.

6. Click here to submit the general membership ticket.