How To Use Your Referral ID

Now that you were approved by our Streaming Platform team as a Dealer, you are now ready to use your referral ID, and pass it on to other customers to earn revenue on Premium subscribers.


To find your Dealer referral ID number, simply login to your Streaming Platform account and navigate to your Dealer dashboard and select My Customers. On the top of the list you will see the Referral ID of your dealer account:


Once you have located your referral ID number, keep this number ready, as this is the number that you will be giving to your customers, and they will use this number to input as their referral ID, when they register for a new Streaming Platform account.

PLEASE NOTE:  Your customers must put in your referral ID when registering for a new Streaming Platform account.


Your customers will provide; A unique Username, valid email address, Phone number, create a password, and validate their submission by entering the Captcha in the validation field.


Once the users registered on the Streaming Platform website, they will appear on your dealer dashboard under My Customers page:


From now on once the users will make a purchase of a premium channel package on Streaming Platform website you will receive your dealer commission for that transaction; you will also earn once the subscriptions will be rebilled. You can view the amount that you earned for each sale on your dealer dashboard into the My Dealer Earnings page: