WordPress Writing Settings

Use the Writing Settings page to control the interface you use when writing new posts.

Click on Writing link, under Settings menu:

wordpress blog writing settings


Once the page opens, you can manage the writing settings of your web blog:

worpress blog witing settings

1. Check this box if you want to convert emoticons into graphics.

2. Check this box if you want WordPress to correct invalid XHTML automatically.

Note: some Plugins may not work correctly when this feature is turned on.

3. Select from the drop-down list the default post Category. This category will be assigned to a post if you fail to assign any other Categories with writing your posts.

4. Select from the drop-down list the default post format. These post formats are used by certain themes to create different styling for different types of posts. You can choose the formats from: standard, aside, gallery, link, status, quote, image.

5. Use Press This to clip text, images and videos from any web page. Then edit and add more straight from Press This before you save or publish it in a post on your site.

6. Click here to save all changes.