Create new radio channel – Module

Logged in as a broadcaster, in New Channel page you will be able to add a new radio channel. In order to do that you will need to click on Channels button from the left side of the Dashboard area:

create new radio channel


After the Channels menu tab opens, the user will have to click on the New Channel link:

create new radio channel


You will be asked to select the channel type:

create new radio channel

Select the Radio Channel from the drop-down menu



This is how the Create new Radio Channel page looks like and below we will explain each field:

create new radio channel

1. Enter here the name of the new radio channel you want to add

2. Upload a logo for your radio channel. Browse in your computer for a picture you want to use

3. Enter here the description of the new radio channel

4. Select from the drop-down menu the music genre for your radio channel

5. Check this radio button to select the thin player which displays the audio controls and the current song information as illustrated in the example picture below

6. Check this radio button to select the cover player which displays the audio controls, the current song information and the album cover displayed as large image as illustrated in the example picture below

7. Click here to select a background player color. The color picker window will open and you can select the desired color

8. Check the Yes radio button if you want to display the chat on the radio channel page and the No radio button if you don’t want to display the chat on the radio channel page

9. Check this radio button if you want to allow all viewers to use the embed code

10. Check this radio button if you want to display the embed code only for you

11. Check this radio button if you want to disable embedding options for users (including you)

12. Insert here a password for the radio channel

13. If you set a password for your radio channel, then you can share the password with your friends. Enter each email address separated by comma

14. Check the Yes radio button if you want to publish the radio channel on Facebook and the No radio button if you don’t want to publish the radio channel on Facebook

15. Check the Yes radio button if you want to publish the radio channel on Twitter and the No radio button if you don’t want to publish the radio channel on Twitter

16. Check the Yes radio button if you want to enable autoplay mode and the No radio button if you don’t want to enable autoplay mode

Note: If autoplay option is enabled the radio channel will start playing once the viewers enter the channel page ; if autoplay is set to NO the viewers will have to click the play button to start playing the radio channel. This feature is not available on mobile devices

17. Insert here your DJ username

18. Insert here your DJ password

Note: the username and password can contain only letters, numbers and dashes (a-z/A-Z/0-9 -)

19. Click here to save the new radio channel


Once the radio channel is created, you can assign an audio playlist to it or you can select an audio broadcaster and start live streaming:

create radio channel