Android user profile

While logged into a Streaming Platform account, you can see your account details from the app:

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1. Click here to access your account details.


The My Account page will appear where you can see account information and devices:

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1. Here you can see your profile image.

2. Here you can see your username.

3. Here you can see the email you created your account with.

4. Click the button here to log out. You will be redirected to the homepage and your device will be removed from your account.

5. Here you can see the app devices page under your account.

6. Here you can see the app subscription page under your account.

7. Here you can see the activated devices under your account.

8. Here you can see the number of devices in use out of the total number of devices you can have linked.

9. Here you can see the type of device; TV, STB, mobile, etc.

10. Here you can see the name, model, and version information about your device.

11. Here you can see if the device is in use or not and when it was last used.

12. Click the button here to remove the device from your account. If this is the current device you are using, you will be logged out.

Note: All the profile details can be managed from the web interface of the Streaming Platform as well.



My Account Subscription Page

On this page, you will be able to review your current subscriptions and cancel them if need be:

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1. Here you can see your rebill date for your subscriptions.

2. Click the button here to cancel all of your active subscriptions.

3. Here you can see the type of subscription; channel group, player add-on, channel add-on, etc.

4. Here you can see the name of your subscription.

5. Here you can see a short description of your subscription.

6. Here you can see the price of your individual subscription.

7. Here you can see the status of your subscription; active or cancelled.

8. Here you can see the subscription type; monthly or one-time.

9. Here you can see how long your individual subscription is valid til.

10. Click the button here to cancel and individual subscription.